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For me, it is an incredible opportunity to continue to advocate for minority women leadership in the competitive and challenging business world we now operate in.

Although in recent years there have been major leaps forward for females from ethnic minority backgrounds in terms of business ownership there is still a long way to go.

Only 19% of American businesses are female-owned and only 18% are minority-owned. These startling figures showcase just how much work is still needed to achieve an equitable business environment.

Within biopharma, the statistics are much more promising with women occupying 47% of roles and 32% of roles are held by people from an ethnic minority background. In the future, I hope to see these figures increase further, particularly in executive positions and above.

Today is Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day which felt like the perfect opportunity to reflect on my entrepreneurial journey so far and offer the valuable lessons I have learned along the way.

I invite you to ask me for any advice, tips or learnings you are looking for on your own journey in the comments below as I am more than happy to share my wisdom.

Bongene Search are experts in biopharma and data science executive search recruiting across all industries. If you are seeking a new opportunity or are looking for a search partner, Bongene Search can help! Reach out to the team today.

Email: diana.ji@bongenesearch.com

Phone: +1 888-317-595